Case Study: Sub Contractor Investigation
Case Jonathan Simpson owns a construction company. One day a subcontractor calls him, saying that he needs a replacement check for the job he completed at 1437 West Maple Avenue. Jonathan looks up the job on his accounting program and agrees to reissue the check for $12,750. The subcontractor says that the original check was for only $10,750. Jonathan looks around the office but can’t find the company check book or ledger. Only one other person has access to the accounting program. Jonathan calls you to investigate. How would you proceed? Write a report detailing the steps Jonathan needs to take to gather the necessary evidence and protect his company. Investigation An investigation has to be completed for a variety of reasons. Reason one, there was a job put in at $12,750 when it only costs $10,750 which means that there is a missing $2,000 that is unaccounted for. Reason two, the check book and the ledger are missing and the only other person that has access is nowh...